Thursday, April 11, 2013

New beginnings.  We all like them. It’s one of the reasons we love New Year’s and SPRINGTIME…. Both symbolize ‘new life’ and a chance to have new goals, new dreams and plans.

New plants are like adding NEW ENERGY to your environment. AND growing more plants helps our planet and improves our environment!   Houseplants like Pothos, English Ivy and Philodendron can absorb the flu virus and clean the air in your home.  And these plants can be propagated continuously.  If you get a giant planter box or plant pot and keep cutting and planting when roots appear you can keep adding to the box or pot with new cuttings, non-stop.  The more you add to ‘fill in the gaps’ – the fuller your plant will look, as if it is one giant plant.  In the course of a few months, you’ll have what appears to be a full, mature plant that would have normally cost you about $30-40 at a nursery or home improvement store.  

Outdoor plants surrounding your home can add new vibrant energy, life and color too.
But what if you’ve had to change your budget and cut back?   Cutting back doesn’t necessarily mean not having new life surrounding you.  Having plants in your life does not need to be expensive.  Growing plants you already have from cuttings is a fantastic way to keep your garden growing. It’s a fantastic way to sprout new gifts and give a piece of yourself away – something you nurtured and cared for will have great meaning. 

But not all plants are created equal in the ways they are propagated.  Here are the three main ways to propagate plants:


Cutting back overgrown plants isn’t just about cleaning up what you have, but starting new life from it is a great way to take advantage of all that is growing to keep growing new plants. 
If you have a friend, relative or neighbor in the same budget-conscious spot – why not trade cuttings?  We often don’t think about doing this.  Quite often you will always know a neighbor or two who have fruit trees who over produce and you exchange the stash overload, but how often do people trade plant cuttings.  It’s not as common, but why not?  If you happen to have several friends in the same boat, plan a combination seed and cutting party where you exchange what you have with others and by the end of the party, you’ll have a whole variety of new plants and flowers you didn’t have before.  Seeds are cost-effective. They may take longer to sprout, but for just five dollars you can start 5-6 different kinds of flowers, vegetables or herbs.
Don’t be afraid of planting the seeds from the food you eat, either.  While you’re probably only familiar with your mother or grandmother starting an avocado tree from the seed inside of an avocado – this isn’t the only seed you can start to keep growing your own food plants.  Bell peppers, nectarines, plums and more – use your own resources.  You can keep things growing.  
If you live in a tiny apartment, you can do the same thing with house plants if you don’t have a yard. Everyone should be able to enjoy the beauty of plants.
You don’t have to worry about purchasing expensive planter pots either.  Many food containers we use on a daily basis make great plant starter pots – from cottage cheese and quart-sized yogurt or margarine tubs to even glass or plastic bottles, jars or containers from milk, juice and soda make for a fantastic plant container.  Remember, you’re just using these to get plants started.  And it is a wonderful way to use your recyclables in a great way.  Reuse, repurpose – you’re saving money and the environment at the same time while helping the planet and beautify your home environment, too. 
Starting new plant life is a great way to infuse new life into your own and enjoy the lovely surroundings you create by continuing the circle of life with what you have. 

~ Athena & Tess – We Solved It


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