Wednesday, April 3, 2013

With each day we are given,
We can make someone’s day.
A random act of kindness,
Or showing someone the way.
By helping or sharing,
Or by giving a smile –
We can all be a hero,
Going the extra mile.

It doesn’t need to be
A super hero feat,
For us to be kind
To everyone we meet.
Saying ‘hello’ and
“have a nice day’ –
Giving a compliment
Is something nice to say.

Lending an ear,
Or a simple helping hand,
A shoulder to cry on,
Or uniting in a stand.
The moments we’re called upon
To give our best and our all,
Is really our chance,
To answer a call.

The call to be helpful,
Give comfort and send,
Prayers and love,
And be a good friend.
It is in these moments,
We can be our best selves,
And pay forward the goodness,
So all can be well.

If we each take the cue,
To show up this way,
We can share moments,
Every single day.
For when we do our best,
Each day can begin,
By being who we are…
The hero within.

~ Athena & Tess – We Solved It

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